Of Praise and Gratitude

Of Praise and Gratitude
Photo by Uta Scholl / Unsplash


God is perfect. I can't understand how He could be so good. SUCH! GOODNESS!! As I have seen in Him! And I have barely seen anything!! But somehow, I know Him! And yet He knows everything. What is that like?? What does it even mean?! My mind searches, leaps to imagine - hitting against its bounds. Yet I can catch some kind of glimpse of Him. I am mortal, and He is not. His love is infinite - yet He allows me to feel His love in some small way. He is perfect, omnipotent, all-encompassing, redeeming - yet I feel Him - and He lends me breath...that's something I cannot even begin to comprehend. Still, I reach for Him, to grasp the ascending truth that I am LIKE Him? That in some sense I'm one with Him? Somehow living my life in Him? That, even in my imperfection, I am perfect IN HIM?? That somehow I am His child...His child in a way that's even more personal and intimate than anything I've ever experienced - or COULD experience with a human being...?

Somehow, as God, He has ALL available to Him - all the universe at His feet - and yet He chooses to use it to perfectly fulfill MY needs. To be MY Father. That He could love everyone! ...that we could all be HIS CHILDREN...somehow - in some unimaginable way - some big, happy family...? How could this be so? And yet it is. And so I thank Him. But how do I begin? I start by praising Him for all good things - but how can words express the praise deserved by one so infinitely deserving? How, Lord, can I find the words to say how much I love You? How, Lord, can I ever even say who You are? All praise belongs to You. All glory is thine. And yet...You share it all...with...ME...


Years ago, I read Joseph Smith's Lectures on Faith. It changed my relationship with God. In it, he states:

Let us here observe, that three things are necessary, in order that any rational and intelligent being may exercise faith in God unto life and salvation.
First, The idea that he actually exists.
Secondly, A correct idea of his character, perfections and attributes.
Thirdly, An actual knowledge that the course of life which he is pursuing, is according to his will. For without an acquaintance with these three important facts, the faith of every rational being must be imperfect and unproductive; but with this understanding, it can become perfect and fruitful, abounding in righteousness unto the praise and glory of God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.

I never thought that I may have an incorrect idea of God's character, but since that time, I have come to know that God is more loving, more patient, more understanding, more merciful, more forgiving, and more powerful than I had ever considered. He has repeatedly saved me from myself. Not just saved me, though - saved, strengthened, and taught. As much as I feel that I've lit and tossed the match that burned parts of my life to the ground, God has repeatedly come to me and helped me rebuild. He continuously reminds me that the journey I'm on does not end here but continues and stretches for eternity. He is glorious. He is perfect. I'm grateful for Him, His plan, and His Son - Jesus Christ.

I routinely tell my children that Christ's gospel is that of multiple chances: every day I have the chance to make myself better than I was the day before. This is because of God and Christ's infinite atonement.

After the wreckage of my first marriage, I never thought I'd be in a place to marry again. I never thought I'd find someone that could look at me the way God does. He kept telling me I was wrong. He kept telling me to wait and He would reveal to me what He had in store. And it happened.

Until my last breath, I will praise and thank God for all that He is and all that He does.